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'Stories Adheres Community'
[ MITZVAH ] Project


The pride of the chief: this project won the creativity and innovation conference for the third age on behalf of the 'Click' association for the third age and the joint, 2021.
The video of the project that was presented and won at the conference:

The Chief Story's vision is to build intergenerational communities through joint creation that will become part of the Yishuv's heritage: new children's stories written inspired by the Yishuv's veterans, with the participation of young people (teenagers and students) and for preschool and elementary school children.

Volunteers from the community (ages 12 and up) interview senior citizens with whom they volunteer, so that at the end of the volunteering process a new children's story inspired by the senior citizen will be produced. These stories are a bridge for dialogue between the generations and inspired by them, the veterans have a dialogue with the children about the plot of the book - who are its hero!

The course of the project is short-term (about 4 months), and includes 2-4 group meetings of the volunteers with the project leader on behalf of the tribal chief, along with personal accompaniment of the volunteers throughout the process, until reaching a final product:
New children's story!


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Enrichment and casting meaningful content for the volunteer meetings

"This volunteering was much more than what I thought at the beginning. I thought I was coming to transfer for a few hours, and in the end I came out well-earned, the questions of the interviews helped me a lot to listen to my elderly people authentically, and I found myself getting excited for them and for me, every time. It connected us a lot."

Aden Elbaz, 4th year architecture student, Sapir College.
Want to read more volunteer experiences? Click here!

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Raising the sense of self-worth and meaning of the veterans

Having a meeting with young people - teenagers and students - from an open dialogue, which allows veterans an opportunity to process their life experiences as a value for future generations.

ערך אישי מוסף למתנדב

V An opportunity to learn from the life wisdom of "Chief."

The tribe" in their settlement.

V opportunity to acquire interview skills,

listening, and passing messages.

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settlement and community

Encouraging an original and valuable work from within the community - a literary work that will become part of the Yishuv heritage.
The veterans read their stories - who are the heroes - in educational and community settings and hold a dialogue and activity with the children inspired by the plot, as a bridge to dialogue between generations

New children's stories from previous projects:

מעוניינים לקרוא את אחד מהסיפורים?

What's next?

story time

'שעת סיפור' התנדבותית של ותיקי היישוב, בה הם מקריאים את סיפור הילדים הנכתב בהשראתם במוסדות החינוך ומסגרות אחה"צ.
לכל סיפור נבנה "מערך מפגש" לשם עידוד שיח פורה ומהנה עם הילדים סביב המסר\ הערך העולה מן הסיפור.

Group meeting

Holding a group meeting of all the veterans inspired by a new children's story. This meeting can be a one-time event or the beginning of the founding of the 'Council of Tribal Sages' Yishuvi club, to which new chips will be added at the end of each project. The purpose of the club is to deepen and expand the messages that we wish to impart to the younger generation, and the manner in which we do so.

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